About Us
Principal's Welcome
Welcome to Namoi Valley Christian School. It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join the journey of Christian Education with us at NVCS.
Making a decision about schooling for your children can be one of the biggest decisions you make as a parent. You are not only deciding what form of education you would like; you are also making a decision to become part of a learning community. We believe that parents are the most vital teachers in a child’s life. Our desire is to partner with you and share in the joy of educating your child. We will seek to work alongside you during your time as part of our school community. We believe the relationship between you and your school is pivotal to your child’s growth
Our staff are passionate Christian educators who respond innovatively to the needs of our students and the community. We maintain small class sizes that cater for students and create tailored education journeys that work with the needs of the individual and their family.
Like you as parents, we are on a continual journey. We continue to learn and change as we understand more about each child’s education needs and how we can best cater for every student within the classroom. We are on a ‘PEACE’ journey and desire to see the following displayed by all of our students, staff and parents:
- Promote Learning
- Encourage Everyone
- Act Wisely
- Care for One Another
- Enjoy God’s Grace
I warmly invite you to meet with me and talk about how we can engage with and support your child’s learning journey.
Our Vision
The Purpose of Namoi Valley Christian School is to support Christian Parents by providing an education setting in which teaching and learning of a high standard are founded on Bible-based beliefs, values and behaviours and where parents have ready access to the decision-making framework.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7
We aim to be a school in which God and His word occupy the central place.
A place where all areas of life, including education, curriculum principles, attitudes and values are directed by Biblical principles.
We do not aim to be an artificial shelter from the world, but rather to give our students the ability to build their lives on a Christian foundation so that they are prepared and equipped to meet
the demands and challenges of the world in a godly way.
Specifically, we aim to:
– Support students to know God
– Teach a Christian world-view
– Comply with government educational requirements
– Equip children to achieve their God-given potential
– Meet students individual needs
– Develop strong parent-teacher relationships
– Employ qualified Christian teachers
– Offer great facilities, resources and programs
– Provide access to appropriate support services

Statement of Faith
1. There is one God who is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.1
2. God created the world and He created us to be His people. God loves us and is our Father in Heaven. He rules over the world and provides us with everything we need. God reveals Himself to us through His creation, through His Word in the Bible, and most of all through His Son Jesus Christ.2
The Bible
3. The Bible is God’s written Word, spoken by God through the people who wrote it. Because of this we can trust the Bible in everything we believe and do. In the Bible, God tells us how much He loves us and how He wants to be with us forever, as His family. The Bible guides and directs us on how God wants us to live. It tells us what God is like and that His plan for us is good.2
Life before God
4. God is Holy and His law is perfect. God created humanity, both male and female, in His own image. Since the beginning when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, all people have broken God’s laws. This is what sin is. God is offended when we break His laws. Unless we turn to Him and ask His help to turn away from our sin, we will be separated from Him forever.4
5. But God loves us and does not want to be separated from us. God wants us to be in His family. He wants us to honour Him because He made the world and He rules over the world. He wants us to learn about Him from the Bible. He wants us to talk to Him and enjoy being with Him.5
6. God’s plan is to welcome us into His family again. This happens when we trust in Jesus. Jesus is God. He came to earth as a man and taught people about God. Jesus lived exactly how God planned for Him and never broke God’s law. Jesus took the consequences for our sin when He died on the cross. Because of this, God promises He will forgive us when we turn to Him and away from our sin. Believing in Jesus and why He died for us is the only way we can be in God’s family again.6
7. Jesus died for us, but that was not the end! Jesus also rose from the dead. He is alive again! Jesus is the ruler of the world. He broke the power of sin and death. The Bible says Jesus is now in Heaven. He rules over the world with God. Jesus is preparing a place for every person who trusts in Him.7
8. Because Jesus is God’s Son and the ruler of everything, we can be sure His promises are true. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us believe God’s promises and to understand the Bible. The Holy Spirit helps us believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us see all the things we do that break God’s law, and helps us to be more like God wants us to be. He encourages us to do God’s work here on earth. God is bringing His world back to Himself and wants us to participate with Him in this work. One day Jesus will return to this world, and everything will be made new and right.8
9. God wants us to tell all people in the world about how much He loves them. God wants us to tell all people about how He is the ruler of the world. God wants us to tell all people about Jesus and why He died. Every person who puts their trust in Jesus becomes part of God’s family, called the church.9
10. The Bible says that God’s promises are for all people who believe in Him. This means Christian parents want to teach their children to know and love God too. God’s best plan for children is that they grow up in families. The Bible teaches that families are formed through marriage and tells us that marriage is a commitment between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, that is intended to last for life and is the rightful place for sexual activity and procreation.10
A Christian
11. A Christian is someone who trusts in God’s gift of Jesus Christ as his or her Saviour and who strives to follow Jesus’ example in every area of life.11
Christian Schools
12. Christian schools partner with families in teaching children that the world and everything in it belong to God. Christian schools weave this understanding all through their curriculum and in their everyday practices.12
13. God wants His family to protect and nurture every person as an individual who has dignity and worth from before they are born. He wants His people to work for justice in every society and to protect and care for His creation. He wants us to love others as He loves them.13
14. This is God’s world and Jesus Christ is at the heart of all things. Jesus is the ruler and King of everything we do. He is Lord in our schools, in our homes, in our lives and in our hearts. Everything we do can be done with thanks for everything God has given us as an act of worship to Him.14
The Bible & Science
15. Creation as well as Scripture has been brought forth by the same God of truth. Any seeming discrepancy between the Bible and science should be resolved so that the Bible is preferred.
1 Deut. 6:4, Matt. 28:19, Mark 12:29, John 14:8–18
2 Gen. 1, Ps. 19:1–4, Ps. 33:6, Rom. 1:20, Heb. 1:1–4
3 Deut. 10:12–13, 2 Tim. 3:16–17, 2 Peter 1:19–21
4 Gen. 1:27, Rom. 1:18–32, Rom. 5:12–14, Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:3
5John 14:1–3, Rom. 3:22–24
6 Matt. 20:28, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Tim. 2:5–6, 1 Peter 2:22–24
7 Matt. 28:18, Luke 24:36–43, John 5:21–23, John 14:2–3, 1 Peter:1:3
8 John 14:16–18, John 15:26, 1 Cor. 2:9–10, 1 Cor. 12:3, Titus 3:3–8
9 John 14:16–18, John 15:26, 1 Cor. 2:9–10, 1 Cor. 12:3, Titus 3:3–8
10 Gen. 1:27–28, Gen. 2:24, Gen 17:7, Matt. 19:4–6, Matt. 19:14, Acts 2:39, Eph. 5:22–32
11 Rom. 6:23, Rom. 12, Titus 3:3–8, 1 Peter 2:21
12 Deut. 6:6–7, Deut. 10:14, Ps. 24:1, Eph. 6:4
13 Gen. 1:26–28, Ex. 20:13, Ps. 139:13–16, Micah 6:8
14 Deut. 10:14, Ps 24:1, Ps 150:6, Eph. 1:20–22, Rev. 5:13
Board and Association
Our school operates as a partnership; staff, parents and carers and supporters working together for the educational and spiritual benefit of our students. As such, Namoi Valley Christian School is governed by a parent-controlled Association
The Association is made up of active and committed Christian members of our school community, and oversees the governance of Namoi Valley Christian School. Members actively own the Statement of Faith which Namoi Valley Christian School aligns itself with, and helps the school maintain the standards as outlined in those documents.
Our Board is elected from Association members and is responsible for the vision, direction, governance and policy of the school. According to the Association Constitution, the Board’s objective is to pursue the following purposes:
- determine school policies in harmony with the Rules and Statement of Purposes in accordance with Association decisions;
- Select, appoint, oversee and dismiss educational and other staff;
- Ensure the faithful carrying out of the school’s educational program and policies;
- Propagate the cause of Christian education in the community by any means consistent with the Rules and Statement of Purposes;
Board Members
Travis Lions
Timothy Weaver
Alison Downes
Grace Bolton
Our school started with 7 children in an old shop in 1983.
It was established by a small group of parents who wanted to provide an educational setting in which teaching and learning of a high standard were founded on Bible-based beliefs, values and behaviours, and in which parents had ready access to the decision-making framework.
The desires of this original group of parents still forms the basis of our vision today. For more information about Christian Schooling please see www.whychristianschools.com.au.
In 2004 we moved into purpose built facilities providing plenty of room for current enrolments and additional enrolments in the future.
During 2010 we opened a new library and general purpose area. These new buildings have enabled us to encourage student reading, as well as providing extra learning spaces that can be utilised by whole classes or small groups.
We aim to meet the needs of all the students within our school. We provide support and intervention for those who have learning difficulties, whilst also providing extension work for those who need to be challenged and extended
In 2022 we begun the journey into Secondary School with our first Year 7 cohort. The decision to apply for accreditation was made in response to the encouragement provided by our school community. We then added Year 8 in 2023 & Year 9 in 2024. We have successfully applied for registration to teach Year 10 in 2025. During these years we will also be embarking on a building project to cater for our High School year groups. This will see us develop a separate Secondary campus on Cowper Street, less than 100m from our Primary site.

Key Documents and Policies
Annual Report
It is a requirement of the NSW Educational and Standards Authority (NESA) that each non-government school should report annually to its own and the broader community, as well as to the State and Australian Governments under the requirements of the Schools Assistance Act (2004).
The Annual Report presented at the school Association’s Annual General Meeting provides an overview of the school’s activities, academics, and finances.
The following policies are most relevant to prospective parents and staff.
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Enrolment Policy
Enrolment Policy Statement
Uniform Policy
Uniform Policy Statement
Child Safe
Child Safe
Discipline Policy
Handling Procedure
Handling Procedure